Sunday, 29 April 2012

my incubating heart

My incubating heart
A secret rhythm

I feel
As it draws blood
One way
The other
            A pulley of sorts

There is technique
To its perfect

All that
Strives toward the mind
Passes through the heart
Every word
                        All Love

            What voice does it have
                        As it moves in the chest?

                        Its voice is a dance
                                                My hands
                                                Around your waist

                        Its voice is a quickening
                                    Known to destroy
                                                A song made manifest
It is heard
                                    At times
                                                Through tongues of fire
                                                Of desire
                                                            Until all is wet
                                                                        And still

In this quiet glow
            This private warmth
I think
I heard it say your name

I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Monday, 23 April 2012

it drips

I feel your breath
Warm on my lips

            It drips

A pleasure in the dark

I feel your beauty
            Can you hear?
            How I ache
            How I threaten
                            To break

You caress my face
My hand drops
In place
            In search of your fire

You find my lips

            All the while
            It drips
                        With desire

I disappear

            I’m found
            Somewhere inside you


I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Thoughts of Rain - common era

I walk the desert

This wound on my arm threatens to swell
Despite my healing abilities

The Owl has kept me company
It has remained silent

The scent of water in the air seduces me

            It reminds me of my youth
            Playing in the park after a nights rainfall
            I recall the moment when I stood still, felt deep gratitude
            For being given the gift of wet earth
I was Free
                        In that one blissful moment
                                    I was Life

Where is the rain?

Every step I take
In this desolate, arid place
I burnish the armour around my Soul
            Neither the sun’s scorching light
Nor the embers of warm Love
                        Dare penetrate its reflection

I thought of Eros today, laying in green pastures
                        Then Aries, scowling at me from afar 
                        And Her...barely a beginning to such a ruined end
                                                ...she loathes me as well

Have I wasted myself?
            Is there such a thing?  Love – a waste?
                        I’m not sure
                        I don’t know anymore

These past few nights
I’ve toyed with the idea…
            …once I cross the desert
            I’ll throw my Power away
I’ll give my body
                                    To the many unworthy

Perhaps this is the lesson I’m to learn 

That Love and Sex are not one but two
That Love is for the weak
That Sex is for the strong
            And I’ve been a fool
They've belonged
                                    To each other

How simple it seemed to me at first
Not to conquer Love
             But be conquered by Her

I fear the power of bitterness
The possibility this wound may fester
            And the Ego will finally win

Except for the Owl
            There is none to care if I lose

But I know...
This isn't the end

I’m stronger than the Ego
Stronger than this desert
            This battle
            And this war

I stop
Wipe the sand from my lips
Look up
At the night
And pray

If I stumble in this place
            May it Thunder
May it Tremble
May it Pour
            May the Earth’s wet body
                                    Resurrect me 
                                    Once more                               
I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Saturday, 7 April 2012


You were the chosen
Our karmic paths crossed
I took your power
Crucified you
            In some life, clearly
                        Before this

I hurt you
Lied to you

Feigned Love
To win your approval
                        Or so you felt

But you

            You never questioned
            Sought answers
            Heard neither my voice
                        Nor felt the pounding sex
In my heart

You had no time
For my Soul
For my Spirit
            That scraped bloody-raw
                        The bottom of the Ocean
                        In search of your Devotion
                                    In search of your eyes
                                    Long turned away

We are both to blame

If you could see past the debt of a life before
To a Speaking
            Here and now
                        Within us both

            You might understand
            That no Love is perfect
                        For what imperfect being
                        Could hold a most perfect Love?

It is a worthy illusion

To intertwine

To bow
To the sublime
            To your vulnerability
            To your Power
To taste
                                    The electric softness
Of your Flower

                        For I understand
Are the ruler of me

Are the only Power
To set me Free

…How lonely it has been on this Shore;
How I long for Freedom

Resting in the twilight of this Ocean, I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist