Friday, 1 June 2012

Thank You

Happy Anniversary to Hallelujah Heartist blog spot.

Thank you to the many Warriors of Love, the many Heartists who’ve checked-in, read my words and walk the Path; you make sacred my sharing.

Know that I see you China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Ukraine, Israel, Latvia, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Georgia, Italy, Moldova, Namibia, Mexico, United States of America, and my home vein, Canada.  I’m certain I’ve missed others, please forgive me.

We are all connected in our Love, in our Pain, in our battle to free ourselves from prejudices, barriers, and definitions as we surrender to the magnificence of who we are.  The tears we shed fall in the same direction, bitter upon our tongues, revealing us.  They’re made of the same ingredients, the same hurt and no one is exempt.  In Love we are all powerful, beautiful as we offer, receive and become Love.  There is only one ingredient - us, we are beautiful in our openness and no one is exempt.

For the Warriors who have traversed with me from the beginning of this journey, you are my comrades in arms.  I will gladly carry you, for you struggled to catch my body and rested by me each time I fell dead, knowing the magic within would bring me to life yet again.  I was never your forsaken.  Thank you.

To my new Warriors, Heartists, Amazons in Heart, I battle alongside you, we are each other’s company beneath the stars.  We’ll succumb to the beauty of the ocean to forget the rancid taste of defeat.  In the morning we’ll wake to a new journey, walk our Path and share our bread.  I’ll be right here, with you.  Thank you for having me.

In blessed surrender, I remain yours,


Hallelujah Heartist

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