Sunday, 30 December 2012

Slaying Goliath

On the 23rd of December
I made a phone call
I called my mother
Asked that she not trespass Gemini’s space, unless given permission
                Told her
                When she does this, it is like him coming into our room as children, in the night
Unwanted, unsolicited
                She became nervous
                Said she didn’t want that
I asked to speak to my father
My mother told me
‘He’s not well today…don’t say too much.’
                My heart skipped a beat, thumped quickly as the blood rushed to my face
                In anger
‘I’ll say what needs to be said.  This has nothing to do with Gemini.  This has to do with me.’
                I stated calmly
                               It was a truth and a lie, yet I couldn't separate the two              

He came to the phone
He was drunk
Twelve thirty in the afternoon
I asked that he not trespass Gemini’s space
That when he and she come by unannounced, in this space, in that space
                It is the same disease
                It is the same rape
                                Of innocence…as when he came into our room as children, in the night Unwanted, unsolicited
            ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’
He denied…twice
                Didn’t remember
He said
                No matter
                I continued
‘If Gemini never returns your call, or speaks to you or her, it is her choice and you will abide by it
                                Gemini gives permission
                                Gemini decides
                                                You do not decide
                                                She is not yours
                                                                You do not treat her as you wish
                                                                You do not rule her
                                                                                 Got it?’
His slurred speech amplified
Self righteousness engaged
The weight of my voice compressed his
My incisors
Tore into him
                                                                           THEN IT IS NEVER
He said he did
Hung up the phone
I was shaken
Aflame with anger
All of that day I remained with Gemini
That day
I did as an adult
What I did not do as a child
I pulled him off of her
With Love and respect for the depth of All wounding, and our Power found therein,
I remain
Hallelujah Heartist


  1. I've been reading a book by Parker Palmer and for some reason what you wrote connected with something that he had written. He says, "Within me is a power of darkeness that may tempt me to want to "kill you off" when you threaten some concept of reality or morality that I cherish. I will not do it with a weapon but with a mental dismissal, some way of putting you into a category of people whose opinions mean nothing to me. Now I no longer need to be bothered by your otherness or by the tension it creates in me. That, it seems to me, is the spiritual equivalent of murder: I have rendered you utterly irrelevant to my life."

    When children are not cherished, they can be dismissed; when anyone is not cherished, they can be dismissed. You cherish Gemini and are making sure that she is clearly seen and never forgotten. I think that you are awesome. Karen

    1. Thank you for your comment Karen :-) I believe Life is layered, including the written word. The theme you mention above is indeed the energy I refer to as Goliath. In earlier entries where I tell the story of Aries, the character Mary is Goliath, as is my am I. In the entry the Magic Mirror Gate, I refer to theme specifically when I ask myself if I am a monster. This theme also plays out in many of my other entries where I step outside Mary and my father, into the Ego (described as a pecking bird of prey). It can also be found in my most recent entry, 'I carried her.'

      I think if humanity truly 'saw' each other, a great source of hate would be eradicated. It begins with Self-Love and how we pass that on to the children in our lives.

      Thanks for your sharing Karen :-)
