Friday, 26 January 2018

The Morning Light

I thought I heard you say
I love you

I fell asleep to the thought
Fell asleep
     And Fought
          Other words

I thought I heard you say
It’s over

Stayed awake to the thought
Tossed and turned
     And Fought
          The possibility

I thought I heard you say
You’re out of my league

I listened to the thought
Cried in the night
     And Fought
          The Truth

I thought I heard you Sigh

Felt it ripple like a thought
Throughout my body
     And Fought
           My need
To make Love to you

I thought I heard you say
I surrender

I became an open Thought
Soaked-in your wetness
       And Fought
            The Morning Light
               ...and lost

I remain,
ever thankful for Life's sweet graces, caresses, and intimate moments in the night.


Hallelujah Heartist

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