Sunday, 30 December 2012

Slaying Goliath

On the 23rd of December
I made a phone call
I called my mother
Asked that she not trespass Gemini’s space, unless given permission
                Told her
                When she does this, it is like him coming into our room as children, in the night
Unwanted, unsolicited
                She became nervous
                Said she didn’t want that
I asked to speak to my father
My mother told me
‘He’s not well today…don’t say too much.’
                My heart skipped a beat, thumped quickly as the blood rushed to my face
                In anger
‘I’ll say what needs to be said.  This has nothing to do with Gemini.  This has to do with me.’
                I stated calmly
                               It was a truth and a lie, yet I couldn't separate the two              

He came to the phone
He was drunk
Twelve thirty in the afternoon
I asked that he not trespass Gemini’s space
That when he and she come by unannounced, in this space, in that space
                It is the same disease
                It is the same rape
                                Of innocence…as when he came into our room as children, in the night Unwanted, unsolicited
            ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’
He denied…twice
                Didn’t remember
He said
                No matter
                I continued
‘If Gemini never returns your call, or speaks to you or her, it is her choice and you will abide by it
                                Gemini gives permission
                                Gemini decides
                                                You do not decide
                                                She is not yours
                                                                You do not treat her as you wish
                                                                You do not rule her
                                                                                 Got it?’
His slurred speech amplified
Self righteousness engaged
The weight of my voice compressed his
My incisors
Tore into him
                                                                           THEN IT IS NEVER
He said he did
Hung up the phone
I was shaken
Aflame with anger
All of that day I remained with Gemini
That day
I did as an adult
What I did not do as a child
I pulled him off of her
With Love and respect for the depth of All wounding, and our Power found therein,
I remain
Hallelujah Heartist

Monday, 17 December 2012


I dreamt last night of my father

I dreamt I told him I haven’t forgotten

Haven’t forgotten that he molested me
                                                Molested the little girl I was, and still am

I dreamt I beat him

Hit him blow upon blow

Each fist landing softly
                 A snow flake
                              A warm window
  Then disappearance

                A profound nightmare  
                For someone like me

My birthday is tomorrow
Tuesday, ruled by Mars the planet of action
                Where was its heavy hand last night?

This nightmare...

This nightmare has aged me
                So close to my birth
                                So near to my life
                                I feel the death it has brought me

                                In this moment, I feel the experience of my years
                                                                 Deep lines across a page that cannot be erased
                                The white in my hair
                                Previously an anomaly of sorts
                                Is pronounced
                                                                Warrior Feathers
                                                                Marking my survival

So much loss this year
The battle has been cold and dark
The little fire in my midst
Is a plenty company for the Night
It does little to revive my Soul 

Gathered against cold earth
I think of Eros
Golden arrows lit upon another dream
                How I gave my life to death, in Love

I think of Aries
Her arms about my neck in innocence                
                How I promised her my Love, para sempre
                                                                                    And failed

There is one reflection remaining in this flame
It is mine
                Laden with branches, roots
                It is grown
                Runs deep through the rabbit hole
                My inner child sits there alone
                                She is stronger than me I think
                                A Warrior of Love

                                I am you
                                         She reminds

There is noise in this silence
I hear all of it
It is deafening
                With repetition
                With Life
                With Truth
I am compelled to Listen

The night smells of sulphur
And finally...I think of You
                Perhaps this is coincidence
                Perhaps you are the sulphur in every match I light
                In each flame that dies upon my tongue

Perhaps you are more than this

Perhaps you are a warm breath next to me, in the darkness

Ever in reverence of you, my Heartists; strong in resolve for Love and unity, equal Warriors in battle...I thank you for your company.

I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Star-Crossed (Lovers)

The leaf, it fell unto the ground
It collected with the others
Increasing in sound
                                The mighty wind
                                Had its say
                Scraping against their will
                                They were blown away

My head falls to admire your frame
Eyes in rest
By the flame
                Your face, a gem
                Your body, smooth and bare
                                An orange glow by this light
You had touched me earlier
Taken me with soft hands
Unspoken words
                A language that demands

You had risen
Bade me follow your lead
You brought me near
With the gentlest of speed
                Embraced me in dance
It was the thick of your heat
                That held me
The current of our Power
                That kept me
                                Locked in your time
Folded into each other
We sank in to another
             Slowly our garments fell
As the leaf I spoke of
                                To collect at our feet

You reached for my thigh
Brought it up high
Around yours

We swayed slowly still
I understood
My Love
                I understood
                Our Will

                It was One

                It was One
                As you Loved me with your hands and lips
                It was One
                As we trembled from the movement of our hips
                It was One
                As our eyes held steadfast and I sighed your name
                                                We were One and the same
                                                As it was in the beginning
So shall it be in the end
I shall slip down
At your side
By this fire
I shall drink this vile
Of Desire
                And join you with the leaves this night

With Love's Devotion,
I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Thursday, 1 November 2012


The spoken word
With soft lips
She stirred

She trickled
She dripped
She slipped
                In to my Heart
                Panting with Love
                                My brain

The death of control
                Took hold of me
                Flaying its arms about
                Grasping for Life
                                Gasping for minute bubbles of doubt from which it could breathe
                There were none
It fell dead

When the struggle cleared
I was alive...and wet from the sweat of her skill

I remain, ever grateful for Life, in awe of her mysteries,


Hallelujah Heartist

Monday, 3 September 2012


I’m leaving this little place
My personal space
My home for the last several years

I’m leaving a dream
A tear in a seam
Left loose
            It’s come undone
The paintings on these walls
Are images of battle
My soul wounded in struggle
I’ve died and lived through

I’m leaving my quiet
My cave near the fire
The illusion and desire
To Love all that is you

Winter approaches
Silencing me gently
Offering her womb
A safe earth to dream

I’m leaving this place
This private little space
For the warmth
Of a shelter unseen

I remain a current in the Ocean,


Hallelujah Heartist  

Sunday, 15 July 2012


Everyone wants a piece of me

My arms
            In embrace

My pussy

My legs
            Spread in openness

My eyes
            To behold their beauty

My ears
            To hear their story

My breasts
            For their rest

All these pieces they want

All these pieces they take
            Leaving my Heart untouched
                        Pristine in gleam
                        Afire with Desire to be Pierced

How dare I think I deserve all of you after one date?

You gave that to someone before me

How dare I think I am as worthy as She?
                She who rebukes you

            How dare I ask for your heart?
                Your pieces should be enough
                          For lesser ones like me

Pieces given

Pieces taken

Pieces strewn
            Laid grotesque
                        And denied

All these many pieces
            Yet my Heart
            Remains unwanted

I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist                 

Monday, 18 June 2012

This, I miss

She enfolded me in her arms
Read my mind with a gentle kiss;
                        I miss
                                    This, I miss

She moved from my lips
Tenderly addressed my core;
                        I want more
                                    This, I want more

Still laying on the bed
I lift to my elbows, raise my head
                        My thighs
                                    She’s found my Centre
                                    Yes, enter
I’ve written about the pounding Sex in my chest
About the Love found between my legs
                        And their connection as One
                                    Ruled by the Sun
                                    Praised my Centre
                                    Made Love
                                                And entered
                                    To prove all along
                                    That the two

I felt the flow
From my heart
To my sex
                        Felt the flow
                        From below
Back to my heart

Each kiss she gifted
Each time I drifted
Deep within her Soul
                       This is bliss
                       I miss
                                    This, I miss

With quiet reflection of my privileged relationship with the Lioness, and in anticipation of her return

I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


The Wind has blown harshly for many a day now.  At night, however, it leaves, likely to quarrel with some other foe, I imagine.

I’ve been camping at the edge of this place for days.  Staring blankly at the fire I’ve built and seeming immobilized.  I walk the length of the sand where it meets moist soil, grass…freedom.  I’ve been watching the birds.  I’ve been absorbing the crisp scent of water somewhere near.  I swear I can hear it. 

The owl has followed me the complete way.  It has flown beyond this desert and is watching me from a thick branch, low and in plain sight of me on the other side.  It has said nothing for weeks.  It’s been as though it never spoke.  Have I imagined all its words, its secret language, its truth?   I don’t know.  I’m certain of death and life, that one surely follows the other, but which is Master for they both beget each other?   They're lovers of some sort.

There is a lioness by my owl.  She comes only at night to rest near him as friendly farm animals might do.  She’s moved near to me several times, always slow yet unafraid in her movements.  Her energy is calm.  Wisdom graces her face with snowy white hair.  I have seen her on occasion behave like a kitten, she seems most happiest then.  She’s watching me now.

Last night I dreamt of Eden.  Residual cells from another life I lived a year ago.  What does my sleep mind want with her?  Her energy is a figment like that of Aries.  They even feel the same in my dream world.  I couldn’t remember at first of whom I dreamt, slowly the image revealed itself.   What good is it now to recall her energy - now that I am dead in that past?  For what betrayal of Self is this that I should remember her at all?  Ego; perhaps it is Ego keeping me at bay here, stuck in this place, pacing.  Perhaps it is Ego reminding me, pulling me into that past where there is only pain.  Perhaps it fights harder now that I’ve reached the threshold to freedom, and it threatens to lose not a battle, but the war.

A violent wind has blown, snuffing out my fire. 

I’m left to sit and wonder about the owl; the lioness; if any will move near me here in the dark.

I remain,


Hallelujah Heartist

Friday, 1 June 2012

Thank You

Happy Anniversary to Hallelujah Heartist blog spot.

Thank you to the many Warriors of Love, the many Heartists who’ve checked-in, read my words and walk the Path; you make sacred my sharing.

Know that I see you China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Ukraine, Israel, Latvia, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Georgia, Italy, Moldova, Namibia, Mexico, United States of America, and my home vein, Canada.  I’m certain I’ve missed others, please forgive me.

We are all connected in our Love, in our Pain, in our battle to free ourselves from prejudices, barriers, and definitions as we surrender to the magnificence of who we are.  The tears we shed fall in the same direction, bitter upon our tongues, revealing us.  They’re made of the same ingredients, the same hurt and no one is exempt.  In Love we are all powerful, beautiful as we offer, receive and become Love.  There is only one ingredient - us, we are beautiful in our openness and no one is exempt.

For the Warriors who have traversed with me from the beginning of this journey, you are my comrades in arms.  I will gladly carry you, for you struggled to catch my body and rested by me each time I fell dead, knowing the magic within would bring me to life yet again.  I was never your forsaken.  Thank you.

To my new Warriors, Heartists, Amazons in Heart, I battle alongside you, we are each other’s company beneath the stars.  We’ll succumb to the beauty of the ocean to forget the rancid taste of defeat.  In the morning we’ll wake to a new journey, walk our Path and share our bread.  I’ll be right here, with you.  Thank you for having me.

In blessed surrender, I remain yours,


Hallelujah Heartist

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

an earthy quality

‘We think we’re looking for Love
But we’re looking for familiarity.
We seek out the familiar,
And miss Love'

There is an earthy quality about your Being

I didn’t know
When I found you
            That I’d been seeking

It doesn’t matter anymore
The words I spoke
            Or that you spat silence in return
It doesn’t matter anymore
                                    That I felt spurned

It doesn’t change who I am

There is an earthy quality about your Seeing

I didn’t know
When it was over
            What I’d be feeling

It matters to me
The words I spoke
            That you spat silence with fierce intent
                        While I wore no cloak

Surrendering who I am

There is an earthy beauty about your Being
There is an earthy wonder about your Seeing

But it is not Love you wish to seek or find


Embraced by the stillness of this battlefield, a Warrior of Love I remain;


Hallelujah Heartist