Saturday, 23 July 2011

Destroying the Mold - Don't hit me with your Bible...please

‘Society exists as a hypnotic state, and the crowd is a hypnotizing factor.  You are born, but when you are born you are neither a Hindu nor a Christian, because consciousness cannot belong to any sect.  Consciousness belongs to the whole, it cannot be sectarian.  A child simply is, innocent of all nonsense of Hindus, Buddhists, Christians.  A child is a pure mirror.  But immediately society starts working on the child – a mold has to be given.  A child is born as a freedom, but immediately society starts killing his freedom.  A mold has to be given, a pattern…Then society gives concepts; then society gives prejudices and systems and religions.
Life, Love, Laughter, by OSHO.

If I don’t trust you, there are three things I won’t discuss with you; first, why I became a vegetarian; second, my political view; third, my religious beliefs.   Why not?  These three topics are controversial, people get wound up, wars ensue and I’ve been personally attacked in relation to all of these.  I’m careful about trusting in these areas.  If you’re reading my blog, I’m trusting you’re open-minded and will care for my views, just as I care for yours.  I’ll discuss one of these here.

Stormer is a friend whom I’ve known since she was four. Her sister and I were close friends.  Lately, Stormer has been harassed by said sister.  Come to church with us (on a Wednesday).  Are you going to take down your posters of Halestorm and Evanescence?  They’re open doors for evil.  You should throw out all your horror movies they attract the devil.  Essentially, Stormer’s sister and her husband believe in fear, they fear the devil and God.  Bible-thump: to believe in the devil and in God is to believe in two gods; sounds like they’re breaking the first commandment to me.  Don’t they trust God?  Why are they so afraid? Are they guilty of something?

Jesus.  My view of the story of Jesus is not mainstream.  I‘m interested in the real person, his reality, and I’m especially interested in the way he loved.

Please keep an open mind for the following discourse, you might be surprised.  Jesus, like his cousin John the Baptist, was raised an Essene.  Little is known of the Essenes. They were outcasts with varying sects within. Modern scholars sometimes bundle them with similar sects of the time.  Outcasts? Why? They believed in aliens, UFO’s, reincarnation, vegetarianism and their teachings were passed down through prophetesses. (Read through the New Testament, there are references to all of these, yes, even UFO’s).  If you recall, John the Baptist lived in the forest surviving on insects and honey.   Logic:  If baptism is a rite of acceptance in a belief system, then logic follows that Jesus, going to his cousin John to be baptised, would be re-affirming his own spiritual belief system, that of his sect of the Essenes.

My favourite topic in relation to Jesus is the way he loved.  I believe Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, the former prostitute, sexually.  Bible-thump:  being the first person Jesus appears to after he’s risen, one would think she’s important (she’s even a saint), yet in the bible she’s mentioned only in the gospel of Luke, and hardly at that. 

I believe Jesus loved his disciple John the same way I loved Aries.  I’ll go further, a big part of me believes Jesus loved him physically.  Bible-thump: John is known as the one whom Jesus loved.  I thought Jesus loved everyone? John was favoured.  Who’s John?  John was the youngest of the disciples, he’s also known as John  the Apostle, or Beloved.  Generally, he’s depicted by artists as the disciple without facial hair, often leaning on Jesus’ chest.  One can hypothesize the age difference, assuming Jesus was in fact thirty-three when he was crucified.  Jesus also gives John the responsibility to care for his mother upon his death.  Interestingly, John is the one whom Mary Magdalene runs to after Jesus appears to her.  John too is only mentioned in one gospel, the gospel of John.  You would think the two people who obviously held favour with Jesus, would star prominently in the record of his life.  Apparently the bible missed that.

Bible thumping is only as good as the editor of the source.  To believe anything without question, without feeling truth, is to surrender power and intelligence to another who would decide for you.  I believe in, God eternal within the body, so this is how I live.

Destroying the mold makes warriors of us all.  We are common in that if little else.  Isn’t freedom and love worth the fight?  We all deserve to Be because the reality is, We are all here.

Continued on Monday July 25th, 2011

Until then, I remain yours,


Hallelujah Heartist

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