Sunday, 28 August 2011


Randomly taking photos in my little apartment yesterday, I came across orbs.

What are orbs?  The general consensus is that they are Spirit energy.  Nature spirits, entities such as loved ones who have passed and possibly guides.  

My first encounter with orbs occurred this past May at the Feathers Retreat in Bayfield ON, during a little ghost hunt in a local home built in late 1800's, now a spa.  All three teams came across orbs in the garden.

I’ve included some apartment photos here.  Feel free to zoom in and study. 

If one agrees that these are Spirit orbs - energy, one might then ask bigger questions.  Questions like, does life go on after death?  Did Spirit exist before life?  What purpose does it have for existing?  Where did it come from?  Where do we come from?  What is out there, unseen, due to our dimension?  Yes, it’s about dimension.  We live in the third dimension and so we’re limited in many ways to this perspective.  With reference to Power, the idea is to use it in such a way that we move beyond this scope to see what is really out there. 

Take note of the orbs' colour, shape and pattern.  Many appear to have double rings as well as a nucleus.  Look to the carpet, the wall and the ceiling.  The area I focused on is the corner where our dog Daisy has her pen.  The orbs seem to like this area.  Moreover, I think they like Daisy.  

Enjoy...not all unseen is Goliath.

Continued on Tuesday August 30th, 2011

Until then, I remain yours,


Hallelujah Heartist

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