Thursday, 4 August 2011


Seeing is a bodily knowledge.  The predominance of the visual sense in us influences this bodily knowledge and makes it seem to be eye-related.
The Wheel of Time, Carlos Castaneda

Almost every weekend I meet my friend Joe at a coffee shop in a mall nearby.  Generally I go there to relax with an iced latte while I write.  Joe goes there to drink his coffee and read the paper.  That’s how we met.   Joe, a Portuguese Sagittarian like me, is seventy years wise.  Don’t let his age fool you, he’s got game.  He and I share similar views on sex and religion among other things.  He’s fascinating, stylish, and our conversations can get very risq, people often listen in.

During one such conversation we turned some heads with the intensity of our laughter.  We had been laughing at the visual of me naked, holding on to his leg - classic Hollywood movie style - begging him not to go.  It doesn’t read well but it was funny at the time.  I noticed this guy walk past laughing as loud as we were.  I looked behind me to see who he was with and he was alone.  I had noticed him earlier sitting on a bench nearby, obsessively checking his phone and watching us.  My conversation with Joe continued a few minutes longer.  This guy, Creeper, walked back past us again, then once more before he settled on hovering a few feet away.  His energy was different.  It appeared as though he was waiting for someone but something didn’t seem right to me, it felt staged.

As usual, Joe and I parted ways around noon.  I packed up my laptop and stood in line at the shop to get juice before leaving.  I felt someone staring at the back of my head.  I turned around to see Creeper watching me.  I didn’t turn away, I lingered instead, wanted to absorb his energy if possible to get a read on him. He looked me in the eyes and didn’t shy away.  It was enough for my body to ascertain one thing; run.

I paid for my juice and turned to Creeper, marking him.  He feigned indifference.  I knew he'd pursue me.  He did.  I walked to the escalator, he picked up his pace.  I bolted up the steps and wondered how far he’d follow.  If he indeed was meeting someone, he might not risk chase.  I peeked down from the second floor of the mall and he was scoping the area before him, his eyes scanned upward.   I moved back away from view.

His hook was in.  It would be a matter of minutes before Creeper found me.  I entered a shop and concealed myself behind low shelves and steel columns.  I watched the entrance from afar.  If I didn’t transform my energy quickly, I’d lead him right to me.  

I ran into Eden who came over to say hello.  I told her there’d been a creep following me.  Eden suggested I confront him.  I told her this one was different, he wouldn’t understand.  What I wanted to say was, ‘this one would love for me to say something.  He gets off on it.’  Creeper wasn’t the usual creep, he was the stalk and chop kind.  He was a predator.  Predators love fighters, the struggle excites them.  Let me say that up to this point, I hadn’t felt this type of vibe before.

Slowly as I spoke to Eden my energy changed and I felt Creeper’s hook dissolve.  If he tried looking for me now, I’d pass right by.  I relaxed.  Eden had that effect on me, to both excite and relax me simultaneously.  It’s a lovely feeling.  Once, standing near her, I felt an immense level of compassion emanating from her, it was almost saintly.  I think she’d laugh if I told her that, but I don’t think she’d be surprised at hearing it.  It was beautiful.

With energy, it can take a moment for our brain to register recognition, a definition.  I trust my body first and foremost.  The millions upon trillions of cells in our bodies have brains that tell us in unison what our head doesn’t understand.  They speak faster so the information comes sooner.  With Creeper, I wouldn’t stand and fight, with Creeper I would run.  This type of communication is essential and instinctual in the animal kingdom, it is how one survives.  It's how I survive.

Our energies blend in basic daily interaction never mind focused intent.  The closer we are with someone, the more threads there are, the more information passes through.

Energetic hooks are common.  Taking a shower or immersing ourselves in a bath can help dissolve unwanted connections.  Creeper was fishing that day.  Luckily I jumped out of his lake and landed in Eden’s pond somewhere in her garden; a welcome escape.

Continued on Saturday August 6th, 2011

Until then, I remain yours,


Hallelujah Heartist

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